An evaluation survey can be created just like any polling question, with the difference that we'll be asking attendees to evaluate different elements and we won't be sharing results with them. 

First, go to your meeting in ConnexMe, to the Interact tab and click on Polls

Then create a New Poll, and select the Evaluation format

You'll have different options, if you want attendees to evaluate different elements and/or to leave a comment. Once you're satisfied with your evaluation question, click Create

Your evaluation survey is now created. To launch it, we'll want to use a different option than the Launch Poll button, to ensure results aren't shared with attendees. To do so, click on the menu icon next to the Launch Poll button (3 stacked black bars), and select Launch poll in-app only

The evaluation survey will appear on attendees devices, but results won't be shared with them (nor on screen, if you're using ConnexMe TV)

Participants view of the evaluation survey

When you're ready to close the evaluation survey, click on Close poll & keep results confidential